Breaking Boundaries: Sabha Robotics Local Qualifier Ignites Passion for Robotics in Sub-Saharan Libya

In the heart of sub-Saharan Libya, a remarkable event unfolded that is redefining possibilities and breaking boundaries. The Sabha Robotics Local Qualifier, held on 2-3 February 2024, brought together 12 teams from diverse regions

LYBOTICS Wizards Team: Representing Libya at the Global Robotics Olympics 2023 in Singapore!

Get ready to witness an extraordinary team from Libya as they embark on a remarkable journey to represent their country at the prestigious Global Robotics Olympics 2023 in Singapore. The LYBOTICS Wizards Team, established in 2020, has consistently showcased their talent and dedication, making them a force to be reckoned with in the world of … Read moreLYBOTICS Wizards Team: Representing Libya at the Global Robotics Olympics 2023 in Singapore!

Alumni Stories: Saja Dardour from Mukhtar Robotics Team

Group Picture LYBOTICS and Mukthar International School Robotics Team

When I first joined Mukhtar Robotics Team 2020-2021, at that time I didn’t know what FIRST Tech Challenge Libya and STEM mean and what they stand for. I was picked by my teachers they had the belief that I will do much in our school robotics Team and I did. Do you know what was … Read moreAlumni Stories: Saja Dardour from Mukhtar Robotics Team

Alumni Stories: Ali Gosea from LYBOTICS Youth Team

I have always been curious and fascinated at the same time with how things work and operate. In 2019, I had the opportunity to join the LYBOTICS Youth Team and do just that and more! I participated with the team in FIRST Global Challenge 2019 Dubai and FIRST Robotics Competition 2018-2019 Turkey. I also delivered … Read moreAlumni Stories: Ali Gosea from LYBOTICS Youth Team

Libya at the World Robotics Championship USA – Mukhtar Robotics Team

Presenting Libya - United States of America

“For long and we have been waiting for such opportunities, to show the world that we are willing to cooperate and build bridges to better our communities and the world” – FIRST Tech Challenge Libya Team More than 30 thousand people attended the FIRST World Robotics Championship to celebrate the science and technology leaders of … Read moreLibya at the World Robotics Championship USA – Mukhtar Robotics Team

Until we meet again – Robotics in Libya

FIRST Tech Challenge Libya Regional Robotics Championship

A number of students competed in the final stage of our Libya regional robotics championship. This was held on 17 and 18 of February where teams of students are tasked with designing and building robots and they were surrounded with challenging and positive vibes. Teams from all around Libya came to join this championship. Twenty-two … Read moreUntil we meet again – Robotics in Libya

Moving from a success to another

Our tournaments moved to another level and the second qualifying tournament was a big and great success story.40 teams have competed in this tournament where participants came from more than 10 different cities across Libya, more than 800 students joined this tournament whose ages vary between 12-18 years old. After the success of the Benghazi … Read moreMoving from a success to another

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