Alumni Stories: Saja Dardour from Mukhtar Robotics Team

Group Picture LYBOTICS and Mukthar International School Robotics Team

When I first joined Mukhtar Robotics Team 2020-2021, at that time I didn’t know what FIRST Tech Challenge Libya and STEM mean and what they stand for. I was picked by my teachers they had the belief that I will do much in our school robotics Team and I did. Do you know what was … Read moreAlumni Stories: Saja Dardour from Mukhtar Robotics Team

Alumni Stories: Duaa Elhaddad from LYBOTICS Girls Team

It was only three years ago when I was just a little girl trying to know herself well. I didn’t know who I was, what I want to do, and what my passions are in life, it was hard to do all this without a helping hand. Luckily, I found my helping hand at a … Read moreAlumni Stories: Duaa Elhaddad from LYBOTICS Girls Team

Inspiring Stories: Ghofran Senoussi from LYBOTICS Geniuses Team to the United States

Ghofran LYBOTICS Geniuses Team Tripoli Femlate Libya to the United States

Ghofran is a 16-year-old high school student. Passionate about science, technology, and entrepreneurship and was the business coordinator for LYBOTICS Geniuses Team, and, the first female ever to represent Libya in the world robotics championship!

Time Telling Clock Made in Libya

Have you ever wondered what behind the scenes, of the clock making industry, especially for the blind? Well in this article we will be talking about Our learning process, Our difficulties, and Our victory. It all started when the team met a guy from a Facebook group. In which this man posted a request asking, … Read moreTime Telling Clock Made in Libya

Girl Power In Libya – LYBOTICS Girls Team

Libyan girls were facing various challenges in life just because they are girls, this is a fact because our community is very conservative and traditional. A generation ago, the idea of a worker and inventor girl seemed strange. After the revolution, girls worked hard to represent themselves in many leadership movements. Political and social positions … Read moreGirl Power In Libya – LYBOTICS Girls Team

How Robotics Team is changing Libya

Libya, the country of beaches, desert and history is suffering since the civil war started in 2011. People exhausted waiting to see the positive change from the public sector and the private sector is already suffering from many different aspects. With STEM excitement, 7549 Team Libya – LYBOTICS Youth Team is powering the situation with … Read moreHow Robotics Team is changing Libya

The Mirror of Revolution

This article is about an experience that is as unique to me as it is purposeful and strenuous journey for its leaders, whose their mission in that affair was not to merely survive but to create for themselves the best ambience out of what they’ve gone through. May this story of Young ambitious inspire you … Read moreThe Mirror of Revolution

Advices for Rookie Teams – 2019 copy

Warm regards from LYBOTICS YOUTH TEAM – 7549 Team, From Libya. To all the Rookie Teams all over the world. We encourage you all to work hard and try to apply these advices as we are sharing them with you after we experienced them. 1. First thing is the coach or the head leader it’s … Read moreAdvices for Rookie Teams – 2019 copy

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