Alumni Stories: Duaa Elhaddad from LYBOTICS Girls Team

It was only three years ago when I was just a little girl trying to know herself well. I didn’t know who I was, what I want to do, and what my passions are in life, it was hard to do all this without a helping hand. Luckily, I found my helping hand at a … Read moreAlumni Stories: Duaa Elhaddad from LYBOTICS Girls Team

Inspiring Stories: Ghofran Senoussi from LYBOTICS Geniuses Team to the United States

Ghofran LYBOTICS Geniuses Team Tripoli Femlate Libya to the United States

Ghofran is a 16-year-old high school student. Passionate about science, technology, and entrepreneurship and was the business coordinator for LYBOTICS Geniuses Team, and, the first female ever to represent Libya in the world robotics championship!

Libya at the World Robotics Championship USA – Mukhtar Robotics Team

Presenting Libya - United States of America

“For long and we have been waiting for such opportunities, to show the world that we are willing to cooperate and build bridges to better our communities and the world” – FIRST Tech Challenge Libya Team More than 30 thousand people attended the FIRST World Robotics Championship to celebrate the science and technology leaders of … Read moreLibya at the World Robotics Championship USA – Mukhtar Robotics Team

US Ambassador Norland wishes luck to the Libyan Robotics Team before traveling to the USA for Worlds Champs

Group Picture LYBOTICS and US Ambassador to Libya Richard Norland

The Future MakersThe greatest appeal of our FIRST Tech Challenge Libya tournament is its simplicity! Losers weren’t eliminated! They learn a lot of lessons surrounded by exciting vibes and new skills. And winners were advanced to the next round which is more “Viral and Global”!Time is too short, the regional tournament concluded with good feedback … Read moreUS Ambassador Norland wishes luck to the Libyan Robotics Team before traveling to the USA for Worlds Champs

Until we meet again – Robotics in Libya

FIRST Tech Challenge Libya Regional Robotics Championship

A number of students competed in the final stage of our Libya regional robotics championship. This was held on 17 and 18 of February where teams of students are tasked with designing and building robots and they were surrounded with challenging and positive vibes. Teams from all around Libya came to join this championship. Twenty-two … Read moreUntil we meet again – Robotics in Libya

Moving from a success to another

Our tournaments moved to another level and the second qualifying tournament was a big and great success story.40 teams have competed in this tournament where participants came from more than 10 different cities across Libya, more than 800 students joined this tournament whose ages vary between 12-18 years old. After the success of the Benghazi … Read moreMoving from a success to another

2021-2022 Season robotics tournaments, a successful story started

It’s not the “END”, it’s just the beginning !!Benghazi Qualifying Robotics Tournament was the first robotics tournament done in East Libya where participants were exposed to valuable soft skills such as communicating, teamwork, cooperation, and competition. It was a two days tournament, where 14 teams were competing knowing that participants are from Benghazi, Albayda, Tripoli, … Read more2021-2022 Season robotics tournaments, a successful story started

The robotics revolution is here, and it’s changing Libya

It is a great feeling to be able to write those words, not only because of accomplishing a new mission which is running a new season, and its tournaments which will start in February specifically the first three weekends of February. But, also for being dedicated to such an insping and life-changing program through all … Read moreThe robotics revolution is here, and it’s changing Libya

A tournament to unite Libya’s children.

The LYBOTICS robotics program is currently gaining momentum on the International stage securing major sponsorship to support the talented children taking part in the project. Part of this support has enabled the first-of-its-kind robotics tournament, The Tripoli Regional Tournament taking place on the 9-10th of April 2021.  Indeed, this event is set to shed a … Read moreA tournament to unite Libya’s children.

Giving Libyan Children Back Their Futures.

An often forgotten voice, Libya’s children are still paying the price for a long civil conflict they do not fully understand. With growing educational and health disparities in the country, Libya’s conflict has impacted its children in devastating ways. While conditions for thousands of children and civilians deteriorate daily, attacks against schools have led to … Read moreGiving Libyan Children Back Their Futures.

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